ThreeB 1.1
Classes | Functions
Classes related to the ImageJ Plugin


class  ClassicGlow
 Plugin implementing the classic glow/hot LUT which seems to be missing from ImageJ. More...
class  LoadTestData
 Plugin class to load the standard test data from the JAR file. More...
class  JNIUserInterface
 3B User interface for the Java plugin. More...
class  SPair
 Utility class to hold a pair of strings. More...
class  Util
 Utility calss to hold a number of handy static functions. More...
class  three_B
 ImageJ plugin class. More...
class  AdvancedDialog
 Control panel which basically presents the .cfg file in a large edit box along with additional necessary things (frame range and pixel size). More...
class  ThreeBDialog
 Dialog box for starting 3B The dialog highlights bad things in red. More...
class  Spot
 Basic spot class, simply contains coordinates. More...
class  SomethingChanges
 Listener class which triggers a complete redraw. More...
class  FloatSliderWithBox
 This class makes a floating point slider bar with an edit box next to it for more precision. More...
class  CloseButtonListener
 Close button issues a window close event. More...
class  StopButtonListener
 Stop 3B thread. More...
class  ExportButtonListener
 Listener for the export button. More...
class  EControlPanel
 Control panel for running 3B plugin and providing interactive update. More...
class  ThreeBRunner
 This class deals with running the actual 3B code It should be run in a separate thread It will make calls back to a viewer, and accepts termination calls as well. More...
class  ThreeBHelp
 3B plugin cclass to bring up a basic help window. More...
class  ThreeBLoader
 Plugin class to load up an old 3B run. More...


string get_string (JNIEnv *env, jstring js)
Image< jbyte > get_local_copy_of_image (JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray data, int rows, int cols)
Image< float > get_local_copy_of_image (JNIEnv *env, jfloatArray data, int rows, int cols)
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ThreeBRunner_call (JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis, jstring cfg, jobjectArray images, jbyteArray mask_data, jint n_images, jint rows, jint cols, jstring file)
static SPair Util::getFileName (String t)

Function Documentation

string get_string ( JNIEnv *  env,
jstring  js 

Get a local C++ copy of a java string.

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by Java_ThreeBRunner_call().

    const char* str;

    //Covert the config into a string
    str = env->GetStringUTFChars(js, NULL);

    string stdstring(str);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(js, str);

    return stdstring;
Image<jbyte> get_local_copy_of_image ( JNIEnv *  env,
jbyteArray  data,
int  rows,
int  cols 

Get a local C++ copy of an image from a jbyteArray coming from the guts of ImageJ.

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by Java_ThreeBRunner_call().

    //This takes a copy of the pixels (perhaps)
    jbyte* pix = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL);

    BasicImage<jbyte> pix_im(pix, ImageRef(cols, rows));

    Image<jbyte> im;
    //This frees the pixels if copied, or releases a reference
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data,pix, JNI_ABORT);
    return im;
Image<float> get_local_copy_of_image ( JNIEnv *  env,
jfloatArray  data,
int  rows,
int  cols 

Get a local C++ copy of an image from a jfloatArray coming from the guts of ImageJ.

Definition at line 156 of file

    //This takes a copy of the pixels (perhaps)
    float* pix = env->GetFloatArrayElements(data, NULL);

    BasicImage<float> pix_im(pix, ImageRef(cols, rows));

    Image<float> im;
    //This frees the pixels if copied, or releases a reference
    env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(data,pix, JNI_ABORT);
    return im;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ThreeBRunner_call ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  jthis,
jstring  cfg,
jobjectArray  images,
jbyteArray  mask_data,
jint  n_images,
jint  rows,
jint  cols,
jstring  file 

Run the 3B code.

Definition at line 176 of file

References JNIUserInterface::fatal(), get_local_copy_of_image(), get_string(), null_graphics(), and JNIUserInterface::send_message().

    istringstream config(get_string(env, cfg));

    JNIUserInterface ui(env, jthis);
    string filename = get_string(env, file);

    //Attmpt to open the file
    ofstream save_spots;;
    int err = errno;

        ui.fatal("failed to open " + filename + ": " + strerror(err));

    vector<ImageRef> maskir;
    Image<double> maskd;
        Image<jbyte> mask = get_local_copy_of_image(env, mask_data, rows, cols);
        maskd = convert_image(mask);
        for(ImageRef p(-1, 0);; )

    vector<Image<float> > ims;

    for(int i=0; i < n_images; i++)
        jfloatArray f = static_cast<jfloatArray>(env->GetObjectArrayElement(images, i));
        ims.push_back(preprocess_image(get_local_copy_of_image(env, f, rows, cols)));

    double mean, variance;
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    for(unsigned int i=0; i < ims.size(); i++)
            transform(ims[i].begin(), ims[i].end(), ims[i].begin(), bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 1/ sqrt(variance)));
    tie(mean, variance) = mean_and_variance(ims);

    //A sanity check.
    cerr << "Rescaled:\n";
    cerr << "mean = " << mean << endl;
    cerr << "std  = " << sqrt(variance) << endl;
    cerr << "Version 1.1" << endl;

    auto_ptr<FitSpotsGraphics> gr = null_graphics();

    place_and_fit_spots(ims, maskir, maskd, save_spots, *gr, ui);
static SPair Util::getFileName ( String  t) [inline, static, package]

The a file name for saving and complete path using ImageJ's file open dialog.

Kep re-querying user if the file will be overwritten. Windows already provides the query built in.

tInitial file name
filename and full path

Definition at line 80 of file

References SPair::a, and SPair::b.

Referenced by three_B::run().

        //Get a filename to save as, with appropriate warnings for 
        //overwriting files.
        String fname, fullname;
            SaveDialog save = new SaveDialog("Save 3B output", t, ".txt");
            fname = save.getFileName();

            fullname = save.getDirectory() + File.separator + fname;

            if(fname == null)

            File test = new File(fullname);
            //Windows' open dialog seems to do overwrite confirmation automatically,
            //so there is no need to do it here.
            if(!ij.IJ.isWindows() && test.exists())
                GenericDialog g = new GenericDialog("Overwrite file?");
                g.addMessage("The file \"" + fname + "\" already exists. Continue and overwrite?");
                g.enableYesNoCancel("Yes", "No");

                else if(g.wasCanceled())
                    fname = null;

        SPair r = new SPair();
        r.a = fname;
        r.b = fullname;
        return r;